Every month in 2014, I will be taking part in a project with other photographers as we write letters to our children. I will write to each of my girls in turn. I missed January but here is my first letter to my newest little lady.
Thalia Skye,
How can i begin to tell you the way I feel about you? You are light incarnated. You are peace like a blue summer sky, bubbling joy like a singing brook, brimming with life. You teach me so much every day! Every time I hold you, every time I feed you, I am amazed.
You have old eyes. Eyes wise beyond your days, eyes that see right through me. Straight to my soul. And, like Jesus, your eyes don't condemn, don't judge any darkness they see there. Your eyes laugh mildly, as if to say "Really? you want to take yourself, and life, so seriously? Peace! Joy! And love! Its Good."
Life to you is a continuous and constant source of wonder, joy and laughter. I hardly ever see you when you are not smiling, giggling, cooing, amused, babbling in that hilarious, "i- can't-believe-the-world-is-this-funny!" voice! If i am busy folding laundry or cooking, all I have to do is glance at you for you to burst into a smile brighter than a sunbeam and all I have to do is make a silly noise for you to laugh out loud.
One of my favorite things in my day is as I lay you down to to sleep. You have been feeding and have usually fallen asleep at my breast but I as I lay you down in your crib, the movement wakes you and you almost always open your eyes briefly and lazily, just long enough to give me a wide sleepy smile that breaks my heart with its sweetness.
Your name means flourishing, blooming, blossoming, abundance, harvest, connected to the source. From your fat dimpled legs to your easy smile and your contentedness, your certainty that you will be well looked after, to your delight in everything that goes on around you, you embody these words already.
My sweet Skye-bird, born under a blue afternoon open sky on the last day of summer, you are a gift like water and I am so grateful to be your mama! I love you

To read more letters and see more beautiful pictures, check out the post by Bobbi Jo-Stuart . From there you can go through all the different posts in our group.